Return policy - OPTIMEF


You may return the products that you have received within 14 days, starting the next day after receiving the order to your chosen address. You do not need to justify returning the product.

In case you decide to return a product ordered from our website, you need to get in touch with us either by filling out the online return form below, or send us an email to You will receive a confirmation email with the return form and the address where the product should be sent.

Your refund will be sent (to your bank account or via postal order, as mutually decided upon) without any unjustified delays, after receiving the returned product or proof of return to the address provided by us.

You may return the products via any shipping company you desire, keeping in mind that the return shipping is at your cost. We recommend that you retain the proof of return shipping. Send the product in its original packaging with all accessories included and the receipt which serves as proof of purchase.


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